God + Gaming + Good Times

Welcome, I'm so glad you're here!


Hi! I'm so glad you're here! I am a Christian gamer & Mom who loves cozy games and you!
Though faith is a huge part of who I am, I want all to feel welcome with me.
I share down to earth and daily applicable talks about current events, God, and gaming on all socials. As well as a godly mom perspective in helpful detailed game reviews. If that sounds good to you, you're in the right place!

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Wholesome and godly mom game reviews

Business Contact:
email: [email protected]
Twitter: crossingtomi
Dicsord: crossingtomi#0392

God Loves you and I do too!

The Gospel

Gospel means good news and the good news isn't really good until you know the bad news. The bad news is that all people have in us the reality of breaking God's laws, which separate us from Him. This is actually terrible because God made you to love you and to have a close relationship with you. The good, no great news is God loves us all so much He made the way for us to never be separated from Him through the complete work of Jesus taking the punishment for our sins on himself! Jesus is God and lived a sinless life, making Him able to remove our sin from us. This free gift requires only two things: the first that you believe in the message you just read, accepting your sin, your need for forgiveness, and the gift of Jesus removing your sin. Doing this will invite the Holy Spirit to live alongside you and impact your understanding of yourself and of the world God made. The second that you allow this truth to change your life. Using the bible, seek the truth about who God says you are, and who He says and demonstrates He is. With God's help you can shed shame, addiction, uncertainty, loneliness, and the bondage of sabotaging choices. Don't wait. You read this for a reason. Reach out to God and to a friend you trust to talk with this about. If you don't have a friend like that, please follow the links to my discord, or reach me at my business contacts. If you're reading this you are loved and not alone. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, that will that look like for you?